Some Notes about Accessibility and Inclusion

“Cripping” the Comic Con is accessible by elevator. American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation will be provided for the entire symposium. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be provided during the welcome and the morning plenary session. Any video content shared will be captioned. Plenary presenters and workshop facilitators are expected to describe images; everyone present is strongly encouraged to follow suit. The Comic Con aims to be a low scent/scent free space. By participating in our Comic Con, you are giving implicit/implied consent to be video-recorded and photographed for university-related purposes. During the Comic Con, we may elect to designate 3rd floor restrooms for “all genders”; “Women’s” and “Men’s” restrooms are available on the main floor of the Schine Student Center, opposite the Box Office. Restrooms are accessible. Vegetarian, Vegan, and Gluten-Free food options will be available during our catered buffet receptions. The Gaming Room may at times have bright and/or strobe lighting. A Quiet/Low Stim Room is available for all participants. Your mindfulness of and respect regarding an array of often simultaneous communicative approaches in “Crip” space are greatly appreciated.

Please refer to the 2019 “Cripping” the Comic Con Accessibility Guide (a printed copy is in your “swag” bags) for helpful resources.

If you have any immediate questions or comments, notify the individuals at the Registration and Information Table, who will follow up with Symposium Coordinator, Diane Wiener; for questions or comments after the Comic Con has concluded, please email