
Save the Date!

The SIXTH ANNUAL GeekArt CONfluence will be on Sunday, March 23, 2025.

There a great slate of panels this year!

This year the CON has moved to an exciting new location: Goldstein Auditorium in the Schine Student Center at Syracuse University.

For up to date information, follow GeekArtCON on social media: @geekartconfluence on FaceBook and @geekartcon on Instagram. We’ll make regular announcements on those sites, so Like or Follow them to quickly see any updates!

Happy anniversary, “CripCon!”

It’s been 10 years since “Game Over… ‘CRIPPING’ THE COMIC CON 2015” took place at Syracuse University on March 22-23, 2014! Thank you to everyone who has participated and supported us over the years!  As Stan Lee always used to say, “EXCELSIOR!”